Birth injuries

Birth Injury Claims: Protecting Your Child’s Future

Birth injuries can have devastating, lifelong consequences for both the child and the parents. Whether caused by medical negligence or complications during delivery, birth injuries require immediate attention and expert legal guidance. If your child has been harmed during birth, it’s essential to understand the types of injuries, who may be responsible, and how to pursue a claim for compensation to support your child’s future.

In this article, we’ll explore common birth injuries, potential causes, responsible parties, and why hiring a Detroit personal injury lawyer is critical to ensure your family receives the justice and compensation it deserves.

Common Types of Birth Injuries

Birth injuries can vary in severity, ranging from minor bruising to serious, long-term conditions. Some of the most common birth injuries include:

  1. Brachial Plexus Injury: This injury occurs when the nerves that control the arms and hands are damaged during delivery. It can happen if excessive force is used when pulling the baby from the birth canal, such as in the case of shoulder dystocia.
  2. Cerebral Palsy: Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that affects a child’s ability to control movement and posture. It can result from oxygen deprivation during birth, often due to improper handling, prolonged labor, or mistakes made by medical professionals.
  3. Erb’s Palsy: Similar to brachial plexus injury, Erb’s palsy affects the nerves in the neck and arm. It is typically caused by excessive pulling or traction during delivery, leading to paralysis or weakness in the affected arm.
  4. Fractures: During birth, particularly in difficult deliveries or breech presentations, a baby’s bones may be broken. Common fractures include collarbone fractures, which often result from improper handling or the use of excessive force.
  5. Caput Succedaneum: This condition refers to swelling of the baby’s head caused by pressure during delivery. While usually temporary, severe cases can lead to complications, including brain injury or skull fractures.
  6. Cephalohematoma: A collection of blood between the baby’s skull and the periosteum (the tissue covering the bones) can occur during delivery. It is often caused by the use of forceps or a vacuum extractor.
  7. Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE): HIE is a condition caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain during birth, which can lead to severe brain damage. It is typically the result of medical mistakes, such as improper monitoring of the baby during labor or failure to respond quickly to signs of fetal distress.
  8. Intracranial Hemorrhage (Brain Bleeding): Brain bleeding during birth can be caused by trauma or improper delivery techniques. It can lead to long-term developmental delays or brain injury.
  9. Spinal Cord Injuries: While rare, spinal cord injuries can occur during delivery, particularly with the use of forceps or other assistive devices. This can result in paralysis or other severe complications.

Common Causes of Birth Injuries

Several factors can contribute to birth injuries, often related to medical negligence or mistakes made during labor and delivery. Common causes include:

  1. Failure to Monitor Fetal Health: Healthcare providers are responsible for closely monitoring the baby’s health during labor. Failure to detect signs of fetal distress, such as a drop in heart rate, can lead to oxygen deprivation and brain damage.
  2. Improper Use of Forceps or Vacuum Extractors: Forceps and vacuum extractors are often used to assist in difficult deliveries, but improper use can cause injury to the baby’s head, neck, or arms.
  3. Excessive Pulling or Traction: In difficult deliveries, excessive force or pulling can result in brachial plexus injuries, fractures, or nerve damage.
  4. Delayed or Improper C-Section: If a vaginal delivery becomes complicated, a C-section may be necessary. Delaying or improperly performing a C-section can lead to birth injuries due to oxygen deprivation or trauma during delivery.
  5. Failure to Recognize Shoulder Dystocia: Shoulder dystocia occurs when the baby’s shoulder gets stuck during delivery. This condition requires immediate intervention. Failure to recognize and treat shoulder dystocia promptly can lead to serious injuries, such as brachial plexus injury or Erb’s palsy.
  6. Inadequate Medical Staff Training: In some cases, birth injuries occur due to a lack of experience or proper training among medical staff. Inadequate training in handling difficult deliveries can result in injury to the baby or mother.
  7. Failure to Respond to Maternal Health Issues: Birth injuries can also occur if the healthcare team fails to address maternal health issues, such as high blood pressure, infection, or complications from pre-existing conditions.

Who is Responsible for Birth Injuries?

Several parties may be responsible for birth injuries, depending on the circumstances surrounding the delivery. These include:

  1. Doctors and Obstetricians: Doctors are responsible for making critical decisions during labor and delivery. If they fail to monitor the baby’s health, delay necessary interventions, or misuse delivery instruments, they may be held liable for any resulting injuries.
  2. Nurses and Medical Staff: Nurses and other medical staff are responsible for assisting with the delivery and ensuring that proper protocols are followed. If they fail to monitor the baby’s health or mismanage the delivery, they may be responsible for any injuries.
  3. Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities: Hospitals may be liable for birth injuries if they fail to provide appropriate equipment, staff training, or fail to properly manage complications during labor.
  4. Midwives: In some cases, midwives are responsible for delivering the baby. If a midwife makes a mistake during delivery or fails to respond to signs of complications, they may be held accountable for the injury.
  5. Pharmaceutical Companies: In rare cases, birth injuries may be caused by medications taken during pregnancy or labor. Pharmaceutical companies could be held responsible if their drugs contributed to the injury.

Why Hiring a Detroit Personal Injury Lawyer is Crucial

If your child has been injured during birth, hiring a Detroit personal injury lawyer is essential for several reasons:

  1. Navigating Complex Medical Cases: Birth injury cases often involve complex medical issues and require an understanding of obstetrics, neurology, and other specialized fields. A Detroit personal injury lawyer can connect you with expert witnesses who can provide testimony in your case.
  2. Gathering Evidence: Birth injury claims require gathering extensive evidence, including medical records, expert testimony, and witness statements. A lawyer will know how to obtain this information and build a strong case.
  3. Maximizing Compensation: Birth injuries can result in long-term medical care, therapy, and other expenses. A personal injury lawyer will fight to ensure you receive the compensation needed to cover these costs and secure your child’s future.
  4. Holding Negligent Parties Accountable: By hiring a lawyer, you ensure that those responsible for your child’s injury are held accountable. Your lawyer will help you pursue a claim against the medical professionals, hospitals, or other parties responsible for the harm caused.
  5. Peace of Mind: Dealing with the aftermath of a birth injury can be emotionally and financially draining. A lawyer will handle the legal process, allowing you to focus on your child’s recovery and future.

Related Practice Areas

Birth injury claims often intersect with other medical malpractice cases, such as:

  • Medical Negligence: Inadequate medical care during pregnancy, labor, or delivery can result in birth injuries. A personal injury lawyer can help you determine if medical negligence was a factor.
  • Failure to Diagnose: If a healthcare provider fails to diagnose a condition during pregnancy or prior to birth, it could contribute to a birth injury.
  • Maternal Injury Claims: In some cases, a birth injury may also affect the mother, such as damage to the pelvis, internal organs, or complications from anesthesia.


Birth injuries, including cerebral palsy, brachial plexus injury, and fractures, can occur due to medical negligence during delivery. These injuries can result from improper use of medical instruments, failure to monitor fetal health, or delays in necessary interventions. If your child has been injured during birth, hiring a Detroit personal injury lawyer is crucial. A skilled lawyer can help you gather evidence, pursue compensation, and ensure those responsible for the injury are held accountable. With their support, you can focus on your child’s recovery while they handle the legal complexities of your case.